Mass in the Extraordinary Form is celebrated at Sacred Heart every Sunday at 12:30 p.m.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary

We will celebrate a Sung High Mass using the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite on Thursday evening October 7 at 7:00PM. This will be the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary. All are welcome!

By the way, one of the greatest helps for you when you attend a Mass in the Extraoardinary Form is to have your own hand Missal which contains all the parts of the Mass - including the lessons from Scripture. Let me suggest you purchase a Daily Roman Missal from Baronius Press.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Gregorian Chant classes come to Sacred Heart Parish

A Note from Father Jason Worthley

Some years ago, the Second Vatican Council requested that Gregorian Chant be "given pride of place in liturgical services." While encouraging the composition of modern and truly sacred music for our liturgy, Vatican II desired that the musical treasure of Gregorian Chant be preserved. Pope Benedict XVI has repeatedly upheld this request of Vatican II. As you know, in our liturgical celebrations using the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite (also known as the Traditional Latin Mass), on occasion we are able to use Gregorian Chant. In the past few months, some of the teenagers in our parish have helped us greatly in this regard.

In the hopes of expanding the size of the choir that sings Gregorian Chant, I am pleased to inform you that we will have several chant classes here at our parish. My good friend, Mr. Steve Cavanaugh, will be leading these classes. I encourage those who are musically inclined to consider attending these classes, even if you cannot always make it to the 12:30 Extraordinary Form Mass. If interested, please contact Mr. Cavanaugh by phone (774-240-0065) or email

These classes will be conducted in the Rectory Conference Room on the following dates:

Saturday September 11 at 11:00AM
Saturday September 18 at 11:00AM